Dr. Kurt Berger | publications
- Co-author in Doralt/Nowotny/Kalss, Treatise on the Austrian Stock Corporation Act , §§ 203 to 215 (2003, 2nd edition 2011)
- Co-author in Doralt/Nowotny/Kalss, Treatise on the Austrian Private Foundation Law, §§ 33 and 34
- Co-author in Kalss/Kunz, Handbuch für den Aufsichtsrat, Der Aufsichtsrat in der Krise - Der Aufsichtsrat im konjunkturell schwierigen Umfeld
- Nowotny/Berger, Requirements to Omission Decrees due to Malpractice in case of a Market Domination by Predatory Prices; Ö Bl 1998, 3
- Fundamentals of Subordinated Equity Law, Doctorial Thesis 1996 (ORAC; awarded with the German Bank prize)
- Berger, Legal Consequences of Financing Services qualified as Subordinated Equity, ÖBA 1996, 837
- Berger, Silent Partnership in case of Insolvency of the Principal, RdW 1996,403
- Berger, Beware: Amendment of a Statutory Right to take over Shares requires a Notarial Deed! RdW 1996, 195
- Berger, Commentary to Austrian Supreme Court 29.8.1995, 5 Ob 59/95 WoBl 1996/28
- Berger, Commentary to Austrian Supreme Court 17.10.1995, 1 Ob 612/95, RdW 1996, 15
- Berger, Financing Services qualified as Subordinated Equity of atypical Silent Partners, RdW 1996, 7
- Nowotny/Berger, Shareholders Services qualified as Subordinated Equity in case of Uncollected Claims, ZIK 1995
- Berger, No Loss of Ownership in case of Subordinated Equity by Allowing Use, RdW 1995, 2
- Berger, Revocation of a Private Foundation by a Creditor of the Founder being the Ultimate Beneficiary of the Private Foundation, RdW 1995, 334
- Berger, Insider Information for Insiders, RdW 1995, 133
- Berger/Riel, Hazardous Wastes in case of Insolvency, RdW 1995, 90